Getting The Work-Life-MBA Balance Right With An Online MBA


An MBA is a big commitment with big rewards. To make the most of your learning and get the full benefit of your degree requires careful management of your time and resources – but it is possible.

SCU Online MBA graduate Paul Betts not only managed to complete is SCU Online MBA but maintain a full-time job, spend time with his family and keep up his passion for triathlons.

“What I found from Southern Cross in the online program, particularly, is online learning is a lot more sophisticated and a lot more natural than it has been in the past,” Paul said.

“I think we understand a lot more about how to get the most out of the online environment and SCU has certainly harnessed that … I believe are on the cutting-edge of online learning.”

Studying online has helped MBA programs shatter preconceived notions, however exaggerated, in that to succeed as a student, one must give up their entire lives in exchange for a dimly-lit room and a mountain of business textbooks.

This is done by providing flexibility in not only study location but schedule, which are a few of the most recognised ingredients in achieving an effective work/life/study balance.

Realising this, SCU has built their MBA program on a 100% online format, meaning prospective students may not even have to step foot on campus while they study. Provided they complete the units and properly engage with the material, online study gives students the choice of when and where they study.

Some students opt for the campus experience in fear that studying online means they have to go it alone, without the support of teachers, tangible resources and peers. However, SCU’s program negates this fear with a constant stream of resources and support.

Students are given academic skills development, where resources and faculty and admin support are never more than an email or phone call away.

Acknowledging that many students study while working or raising a family or both, SCU also provides personal student services advisers for the duration of the online MBA course, helping students manage their time and study load by providing support and assistance with the application process, timetable organisation and management and resources location when required.

“The great thing about studying online is you’re not tied into lectures and timetables,” Paul said.

“I was able to be more flexible in the way that I use my time and more effective; use those grabs of time, maybe an hour here or even a half an hour there that I wouldn’t have been able to use in a more traditional study environment.”

“An MBA is such a diverse course and there’s a number of different standouts.

“For anyone that’s looking to do an MBA, particularly an online MBA, I would certainly recommend looking at the SCU course.”