Top Online MBA Myths Debunked

Online studying can be daunting. Especially for students who have had little to no experience intergrading technology with their studies or professionals who may be scared that their employer might discredit their online degree.

We took a look at some of the biggest myths about online MBA study.

1.    MYTH: Online programs aren’t as credible as traditional MBA programs

The most prevalent Online MBA myth is the perception that an online degree isn’t held to the same rigorous standards as the traditional MBA program.

To ensure the credibility of an MBA program, make sure the program is accredited.

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is the sole government body in Australia authorised to register institutions of higher education, including universities. When a degree is accredited by TEQSA – you can trust that it is compliant with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and is, therefore, credible and recognise with no differing standards between online or on-campus studies.

Additionally, it is important to note that the final degree students receive will all be the same. The award listed on the certificate received will say Master of Business Administrations – not an online MBA or a on-campus MBA.

2.    MYTH: Reputable business schools don’t offer online MBA programs

Traditionally, online MBA programs were only offered by schools that weren’t exactly household names with many even lacking accreditations by TEQSA or other major certifying organisations.

However, technology and the changing expectations of MBA students means this is no longer the case. Today, many highly reputable universities around the world offer online MBA programs as alternatives to accommodate for individual’s busy lifestyle or for better access to studies during the unprecedented pandemic. For many, this meant offering entire new online MBA programs or taking some of their traditional classroom content into the online space.

For example, in the recent 2021 rankings by The Financial Times, AGSM @ UNSW’s Online MBA Program – MBAX – was ranked as the 10th best online MBA program in the world. Find article at:

3.    MYTH: Studying online will be a lonely experience

Online studies require a certain level of self-discipline and motivation. However, this does not mean you will be left on your own with no support. In an online MBA, students will be provided with the tools and channels to interact, collaborate and seek support from their peers and professors where they can organise in their own time.

Modern technology has allowed this collaborative process to be seamless and supportive with as much connection for online students as on-campus students.

However, the utilisation of these resources will be up to the individual. It is highly encouraged for online students to reach out and stay connected regularly during their studies to avoid the risk of feeling lost.

4.    MYTH: Networking opportunities for an Online MBA is not equal to an on-campus MBA

Studying online provides students with the same opportunities, if not more, to network with their peers.  Online studies break down the location barriers that exist with on-campus degrees. This means, students will have the opportunity to tap into the connection with global students and alumni cohorts throughout their studies and far beyond.

5.    MYTH: You need to be tech-savvy to study Online MBA

This may have been true when online MBA programs first came on the scene, but today, technology has advanced, improving online education to the high standard it boasts today. If you do have difficulties, the institution’s technical support team will be able to assist you.

Most programs also have technical support staff that can be contacted 24/7 via phone, email, or instant messaging. Some online MBA programs even offer students the opportunity to take computing classes before they start the program.

6.    MYTH: Online MBAs are easier than traditional MBAs

Online MBA is easier in the sense of convenience and flexibility. However, it is definitely not easier in terms of subject material, assessments and study time required.

Essentially, online MBA students will be studying the same material or modified version of the materials that on-campus MBA students’ study. This is ensured by the governing body that all accredited degrees must adhere to.

There are no shortcuts to getting an MBA!